






Amy and Rob Allen are a husband and wife photography team that has been shooting weddings + elopements since 2012. Based in North Carolina. Available for travel.

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Paisley turns ONE! July 7, 2016

Filed in: Personal


It was a year ago today when the contractions started. Early in the morning I knew they were more than just Braxton Hicks. I headed to the doctor and they tried to tell me it was nothing, to suck it up (literally they told me to suck it up). In tears thinking how could it get any worse than this they decided to keep me there to observe me. Sure enough 2 hours later they told me to head to the hospital that Paisley was on her way. Duh, I thought…. I told y’all that, in the hormoney, crazy person type of voice in my head! At 9:11pm that night, Paisley made her entrance into this world and our life has never been the same. From the late night feedings, to the she just pooped all over me, her very first smile, to her very first step. We are so grateful to be called your parents baby girl and our hearts will always be walking on the outside of our bodies now. You bring so much joy and happiness to our lives. Happy birthday to the sweetest, most beautiful baby girl in the world, we love you!

View our birth story here:


We had so much fun doing Paisley’s cake smash. She wasn’t too sure about it but that didn’t stop her from smiling ear to ear thanks to daddy’s crazy dance moves!

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Each month I took a photo of sweet Paisley Grace documenting some of her favorites to see how much she changed each month. I cannot believe how fast this time went!



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